GW-FEAST Data De-identification

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All GW-FEAST datasets housed within the secure data environment are de-identified. This process varies slightly between data sources; each has its own versioned de-identification tool and protocol. Our implementation follows the Safe Harbor recommended deidentification protocol with modifications based on the Expert Determination method. This de-identification workflow is illustrated below.

De-identification Workflow

De-identification Data Templates

Single-patient data templates for each data source are available for download on the GW-FEAST De-identified Data Templates page.

GWDC De-identification Tool

The GW Data Commons (GWDC) de-identification tool is used to de-identify all GWDC datasets prior to harmonization. This protocol was authored by Dr. Robel Kahsay of the Mazumder Research Group. More information is available on the GWDC De-identification Tool page.

NBCC De-identification Tool

The National Breast Cancer Coalition de-identification tool is used to de-identify all NBCC datasets prior to harmonization. This protocol was authored by Dr. Robel Kahsay of the Mazumder Research Group and v1.0 of the tool has been approved by a representative at NBCC. Each iteration of the tool will have written approval by NBCC before use. More information is available on the NBCC Data page.